Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Gone With The Wind

 Gone with The Wind
1) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.
There are many reasons why Gone With The Wind won 8 Oscars as discussed in class.  Specifically, one of those oscars was awarded Hattie McDaniel for her character Mammy.  McDaniel was the first black woman to recieve an Oscar, and well deserved if asked.  Her character didn't truly show their colors until the second half of the film but when the performance was needed she more than delivered as shown by her Oscar winning performance.  Overall, this was an excellent movie, I do not think that anyone can really give Gone With The Wind a negative critique knowing how influencial it has been on the film industry, the highest grossing film at the box office, and known as the greatest film of all time.

2) Find a related article and summarize the content.

         The movie "Gone With The Wind was based on the novel written by Margaret Mitchell. The movie was changed a little from the book. In the article below it describes some of the things that were left out of the movie. One of the things that was left out or changed was Belle Watling. In the movie she is the Atlanta prostitute. Her character was cleaned up in the scene where Rhett Butler goes to see her. Another thing that was taken out of the film was any mention of the Ku Klux Klan. In the film Rhett's hatred Ashley was softened, and also some of the love scenes from the novel were either taken out or lightened up a bit.

3) Apply the article to the film screened in class.
The article definitely supports what I think of the film and what we went over in class. First of all in this film you did not see any mention of the Ku Klux Klan as in the novel like the article said. Another thing that I agree with is the downplay of Rhett's visit to Belle. The article summarizes a few things that were either cut out completely or downplayed in the movie.

4) Write a critical analysis of the film, including your personal opinion, formed as a result of the screening, class discussions, text material and the article.
Overall I think this was a great movie. It was a long movie but a great movie. The film had a great story line and great acting. The different scenarios in this movie make it great. You start with the wealthy plantation owners and their families celebrating wedding and having parties. Then all of a sudden a war breaks out, nut there is still hope and everyone is waiting for word from their loved ones. Then the story suddenly changes, the south starts to loose the war and the north starts to invade and destroy everything. Within this war story are also love stories. With Ashley and Scarlett, Ashley and Melanie, and Rhett and Scarlett. There are also sad moments like Scarlett's mom and dad dying, and also Scarlett and Rhett's daughter dying. You have all these dynamics coming together making a great story and a great movie.

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