Wednesday, May 8, 2013

film history god father

The Godfather Journal Assignment

1.) Relate what was discussed in class or the text to the screening.
Aside from the many nominations and awards The Godfather was known for many other things. Throughout the movie, the Corleone family had family values. The story is told within the family instead of being told out in the open in society. The opening scene starts off at a wedding. Also toward the end of the movie, there is a baptism scene. You’ll notice throughout the movie that there is 50 scenes with food in them.

2) Find a related article and summarize the content.
The article goes through the conflict and controversies behind the scenes of the film. I’m going to focus on the director Coppola. Coppola had to focus on keeping his job as director ever since filming began. Paramount began to worry when Coppola seemed to be “lost” on set. He would often go back and forth with cinematographer Gordon Willis. This is recognized as Coppola’s low point as a director. When in the bathroom, Coppola overheard some of the cast members. The men started venting about Coppola’s apparent lack of competence. Despite the negativity, The Godfather would go on to become the highest grossing film in motion picture history (at that time). It would also be nominated for eleven Academy Awards, winning Best Picture, Best Actor (Marlon Brando), and Best Screenplay.

3) Apply the article to the film screened in class.

When comparing the article to the film in class I like how they talked about the idea of the anti-hero and us rooting for the Corleone's even though they are terrible people. This is achieved through putting the characters in human moments and telling the story from inside the family. We see the wedding and the dancing and the laughing and playing with the children. The other side of that of course is the murder and the illegal things that the family indulges in. I find it interesting that the audience even at that level still takes sides.

Write a critical analysis of the film, including your personal opinion, formed as a result of the screening, class discussions, text material and the article.

Coming from an Italian family I think it would be blasphemous to speak badly on behalf of this movie. Sure it creates an identity and some Italians may have a problem with that but I don't see it that way. It's a movie and people should regard it as just that. My favorite scene in the movie was the actually Godfather part where they're baptizing the baby and killing people at the same time. The scene is perfectly edited with the music and the priest saying the prayer. The way that the shots are split up is perfect too. It depicts nicely the human side of the Corleone family and then the ruthless, gangster side of the family as well in the montage.

1) (X) I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.

2) (X) If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other classes, I clearly explain that in the paper.

3) (X) If I used any passages word for word, I put quotations around those words, or used indentation and citation within the text.

4) (X) I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the bibliography in the text of the paper.

5) (X) I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.

6) (X) I have used direct quotations only in cases where it could not be stated in another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.

7) (X) I did not so over-use direct quotations that the paper lacks interpretation or originality.
matt freda
8) (X) I checked yes on steps 1-7 and therefore have been fully transparent about the research and ideas used in my paper.

matt freda

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